Boost your production:
Centralise and simplify your workflow

Streamline your printing process and increase productivity with Production Flow. Whether you're running a busy shop or handling multiple print jobs, this solution is designed to help you efficiently manage and execute print tasks, ensuring that your production remains seamless.

Sign up now

Digital print job management for
greater efficiency

Shift from paper-based management to a fully digital system. Track progress in real-time, allowing for workload distribution and optimising production flow.

Task Chart

An overview to check production status including
previous/pre-process by each job.

Print Flow

The Print Flow feature provides storefront owners with a clear overview of outstanding jobs, enabling them to easily initiate printing and prioritise print jobs as needed. Print operators can also monitor the status of each print job.

Print Settings

Pre-registered print settings refer to predefined configurations set by the user, tailored for printing items such as phone cases. These settings can be directly imported into the printing software for use.

Workflow solution -
Store applications

This solution streamlines store operations by enabling customers to design and order personalised goods digitally through Epson Craft Designer, while staff manage order acceptance and processing efficiently via a web browser. The system ensures seamless workflow management by optimising print instructions across connected printers for timely and accurate production.

Confirmation & payment
Order information
Epson Craft Designer
Print specification
Production Flow

Create and order
designs using Epson
Craft Designer

Empower your customers to design and personalise products in store. Epson Craft Designer app allows easy photo editing and design creation directly from their devices, letting them place orders instantly and receive the printed goods within the hour, enhancing your store's efficiency and customer experience.

Epson Craft Designer UI

Easily manage
products and prices

With Epson Craft Designer Admin, you gain full control over your store’s offerings. Seamlessly edit product details, set prices, and make updates—all from a single, centralised platform.

Simplify printing instructions for everyone

With Production Flow, sending print jobs is straightforward. Whether it's a single item or multiple orders to several printers, instructions can be sent quickly for distributed printing.

Supported OS/
browser in Epson
Cloud Solution PORT

Operating system


Supported browser

(all latest versions)
Windows Windows 10 or later Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
Mac OS Mac OS Big Sur or later Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
iOS iOS 14 or later Safari
Android Android 11 or later Google Chrome



Windows 10 or later

Supported browser

Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome

Mac OS


Mac OS Big Sur or later

Supported browser

Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome



iOS 14 or later

Supported browser




Android 11 or later

Supported browser

Google Chrome

There is a possibility it may not work on unsupported browsers.
There is a possibility it may not work or display incorrect information if the printer firmware is outdated.

Supported OS in Epson
Cloud Solution PORT
(Smart Phone App)

Operating system


iOS iOS 15 or later 
Android Android 7.0 or later



iOS 15 or later 



Android 7.0 or later 

Talk to us

For more information or to request a demo, please complete the form below.


All images are simulated.